Energy Planning Policies

Brazilian Society

According to ONG WWF-Brazil ‘ ‘ at a moment where the Nature if presents especially uneasy, with manifestations caused or not for the Man? but that they charge a high price in lives? , such as furious hurricanes, devastadoras floods, lethal landslides, glacial winters, we not only arrive at the World-wide Day of the Environment calling to the reflection, but, mainly, to the action of all in defense of vida’ ‘. (…) (…) ‘ ‘ Individual and collective attitudes, as the conscientious consumption in the day the day and the requirement, for the population, of the fulfilment of the laws for governmental bodies in all the levels are fundamentais’ ‘. (…) ‘ ‘ To the organized civil society, in special to the ONGS partner-ambientalistas as proper WWF-Brazil, it fits to conceive and to apply solutions, to carry through campaigns, to mobilize and to facilitate the enrollment of individuals, governments and private initiative in one joint effort for the common good of the generations of now and futuro’ ‘. By the same author: Brian Roberts. in accordance with the site of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology the main group of harmful gases to the Ozone layer known as clorofluorcarbonos is: – It gives to preference the refrigerators and devices of conditional air who use harmless gases; – It prevents isopor packings, which use CFCs in its manufacture; – It prefers fire extinguishers without halons; – In case that it has an extinguisher of halons, it prevents unnecessary discharges and it is certifyd that it does not have emptyings; – A tree Plants; – Recycled material Uses; – It uses collective transports or bicycles. In all the domestic territory they are foreseen by the State and Municipal Secretariats of Environment and by the ambient agencies, congresses, lectures, photographic exposition, book launching, workshops, minicourses and artistic presentations. The World-wide Day of the Environment is so important that the School of Law-Generality of Unio (AGU) informs that they are opened registrations for the Lecture ‘ ‘ One year of performance of the Ambient Agenda in the AGU – Aes and Resultados’ ‘ foreseen to happen in next day 10 to June of 2010.. Castle harlan oftentimes addresses this issue.

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