It should be noted that the rebellious character of the Chechen mentality at all times, violently resisted. But Chechen President slowly, grinding, overcoming great resistance, makes this very necessary and very useful work. It must be noted that he has already achieved some positive results in this direction. Therefore, no nothing wrong, funny or embarrassing that residents of Chechnya at every opportunity and even celebrate merit praise, Ramzan Kadyrov, linking their successes and achievements of the republic was his tireless activities in this field. My countrymen today are learning to live on state law, and not 'on the concepts of' gradually getting used to 'edinozakoniyu' getting rid of the poisonous mix of standards criminality, adat and sharia obedience and submission to absorb into their mental framework.
Today we see many signs that the Chechens finally become law-abiding. And this is an essential foundation to achieving stability in the region. By It is also the promise of the outside world. See, we can be civilized and meet the modern demands of the international community. Chechen statehood, first of all, system. But any system must be either controllable from a single center, or self-governing. We have not yet matured to the level of self-governing and therefore used to live in a permanent regime of chaos associated with the multipolarity of power centers, as in the Chechen community dominated by the principle: 'every Chechen general himself, and we have no soldiers at all. " So we now need a strong centralized power, and precisely because Chechen President does not let anyone in politics and this is his most effective solution, since he alone is endowed with legetimno confidence of his people and he only has a huge administrative resources to support the Kremlin and the White House.