If the management wants a feminization that the base but not convinced of the need, the failure is pre-programmed. Although the changeover of a company on a women and family work environment is first of all a monetary investment. In the long term create company but the foundations for the future ability as: established teams are diverse, innovative, successful and krisensicherer that provide different perspectives for a study of the London Business School found creative solutions. An American study by Johnson & Johnson shows that employees in a direct response to family-friendly policies were not only active but also loyal to the employer. A factor that should not be underestimated in the face of the impending shortage. Flexible working time models provide motivation and give employees the necessary space to combine career and family.
A study of US consultancy Kenexa 2007 showed that the Home Office as a leap of faith felt workers who could work from home. Homework, have to pay the company in this respect, as follows: initiatives to the feminization of the company are of top management. Small straw fires in individual departments fizzle if no clear statements come from above that gender diversity serves the company and the individual workplace. Companies must clear and understandable its assessment system for all employees Performance criteria define and organize so that not be successful means to be until 10: 00 in the Office. Corporate incentive systems must ensure that equality of opportunity is actually enforced. Working structures must be family-friendly.
Teleworking, Home Office or video conferences are no more visions. The implementation is tested it is time that the companies of course integrate these flexible work options in the everyday life of the employees better reconciliation of family and career. Help operating kindergartens, breaks for child care and introduction programmes for family breaks. The questioning of working mothers and returnees must be prevented. Companies and managers must learn to trust that women, the career and family (must) combine, their lives and their childcare in the handle at best, with the help of childcare facilities in the company. Installation of mentor programs for women with the aim of Women to train, to speak the language of the Manager and to develop their own authentic leadership style that is accepted in the company. Make visible female role models, to show just young women, female careers are possible. As long as women not in sufficient number in middle management are present, it is pointless to call for more women in top management. The feminization of the companies must be built consistently and sustainably from below. And only the companies who credibly assure that women are desired, getting also good candidates. ++++ Melanie Vogel is initiator of the women & work, Germany’s biggest recruiting event for women. Women & work, career-oriented women who-is-who of the German companies meet that. The scheduled four-eyes talks, booth talks and an extensive Congress programme help visitors with successful career planning. Entrepreneur Signet launched parallel in top4women”is an international employer logo that illustrate should the company attach importance to gender equality. Female recruiting”is transparent to simplify the recruitment process between companies and female candidates, and companies can place in the target group of career-oriented women as more attractive, more women-friendly employers. women & work: top4women Germany: de.top4women.com