Energy Planning Policies

Federal Social Court

As the health system steadily shortens the rehabilitation, should let it come until not so long and in a timely manner provide the Federal Social Court (BSG) in Kassel has decided that legally insured persons not free can choose their clinic for medical rehabilitation. You can Dodge only to hospitals that do not have a supply contract with the health insurance companies. According to the law, the Treasury must then participate the cost, the insured must wear only the additional costs caused by the selection of her clinic. Also this judgment proves once again that prevention to rehabilitation increases greatly in importance. Robert Thomson contains valuable tech resources. Remove the grants paid by the funds for rehabilitation, whereas the trend clearly of interest to.

Currently so-called prevention courses are in the trend. This is training which is an introduction to a particular subject area. This introduction should help to apply what you learned in everyday life and such a lasting contribution to the own health to achieve. Such a course will be funded by a statutory health insurance company, of course certain framework conditions must be created. In addition to a number of theoretical and practical units of the course run by qualified personnel. What prevention courses can be selected individually. It is important that it is two different modules. Because every year two courses are funded by the health insurance funds, value is taken often also here that not every year the same courses are attended.

But it remains fundamentally on individual decisions, whether a subsidy is granted. Spine prevention of back strongly claimed every day. Unfortunately, a poor posture or improper strain the cause of back pain is often. For this reason, back training makes sense where you get taught how to be gently back in everyday life. An upright posture, heavy objects with the power of the legs lift and not from the back out, not only seats no matter whether in the Office or at home, regular exercise and much more ensure for periods of rest. Actually, there are a number of points on which you every day should take care to the back not to charge or to harm him at all. Hustle and bustle and stress leave many people under a certain continuous voltage to progressive muscle relaxation. This of course also leads to tension in the muscles. Cramped muscles in turn affect the joints and bones. We therefore recommend to ensure in the course of a day regularly for relief or relaxation. This can avoid many painful symptoms and not time-consuming. In the PMR prevention course, you learn to integrate relaxation techniques and exercises in the own daily routine.

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