On more than one occasion we have found in life people with difficult conversations which we have and which we can not escape. This can happen in work situations, with neighbors or misunderstanding. Below I describe some guidelines that can be convenient when it comes to these conversations. CBS is open to suggestions. Ask the person about what you described, not you attack him he also, rather than using the question as a way of making you feel understood. Remember that he is expecting that you attacks him to take you to your land. Remind you that you should not insult you, remind you that respect is fundamental when communicating.
Thanks to the person when the conversation begins and when it ends, thus will be more biased in a positive way. Allowing you to express for a while, you enter into the game if you’ve spoken I also have to do it since this usually end with a discussion. Once you see that he has expressed get it you and recaalcale you have the right of do it. Tell the person you think he must feel, and how you feel you to hear it. Make commitments that are agreed upon and carried out in a clear manner, if they can be written these commitments better. In the event that it refuses insists that you send an e-mail with the summary information of what you want to, this way you will have a written proof of what has been agreed.
When you talk please note your emotions but do not be carried away by them, rather than keep control over them. Be able to develop properly in a difficult conversation can become an element in your favor. In therapy working with assertiveness techniques, based on them greatly improves the self-esteem and self-control of the individual, and therefore their relationship can get himself and with others.