Energy Planning Policies

Miguel Soler

The process is as follows: opposition day would-be teachers expect sitting that an innocent hand remove the URN three balls numbered (in the case that there are 30 topics); each number corresponds to a theme of the studied and the opponent will have to write about one of them. About 100,000 applicants undergo these examinations each year. As well, the Government wants to banish the ball from the opposition, and with it, random as a fundamental element of the test. Instead, opponents will have to answer 10 or 15 short questions, according to the draft Royal Decree in which the Ministry of education is working. Remove three or four balls and choose one granted, with a limited number of themes, many possibilities of overcoming this phase without demonstrate knowledge of the agenda, explains the director general of professional training, Miguel Soler. Source of the news:: Goodbye to the themes chosen at random in the oppositions for teacher.

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