Energy Planning Policies

People With Glycogenosis

a For these, among other reasons, there was ten years ago the Spanish Association of People with glycogenosis (AEEG), a meeting place for those with the disease and their families, a group of support for anyone feeling lonely and excluded, outside society and marginalized part of the necessary medical attention and recognition of the media and the general public, whether subject to a teenager teased or do they know, poor things, of their suffering or forties who has remained dormant disease until a bad day manifests abruptly and belatedly. a AEEG But it is also much more. APP is one that stirs the conscience, facilitates research, encourages the pharmaceutical discouraged by the low prevalence these diseases and spurs those politicians are not enough electoral reasons for study, their struggle and their solution. a Thanks to them, will soon cease to suffer these young women like Mary, who in a touching letter explained that she had always been a freak, the center of the taunts of my brothers (they I knew), and despite trying so hard when the gym at school, which the doctor is telling me that it was vague. Recently David Zaslav sought to clarify these questions. a Fortunately, there are now fewer doctors unfamiliar with this disease. Some contend that Coen brothers shows great expertise in this.

And thanks to all the great professionals who work with the Spanish Association of People with glycogenosis, in time will not be none. Enrique Arias Vega (Bilbao) is a Spanish journalist and economist. Graduated from the University of Stanford, has been writing almost forty years. His articles have appeared in most of the Spanish newspapers, in an Italian magazine "Terzo Mondo" and in the newspaper "News of the World" in New York. Among other charges, has been director of "El Periodico" Barcelona, "advancement" of Salamanca, and the release of "ABC" in Valencia and CEO of Grupo Zeta publications and adviser to several media companies . In recent years, he has alternated his contributions to newspapers, radio and television to literature, having won several awards in both tasks, including national gastronomic journalism "a lvaro Cunqueiro" (2004), the Short Novel "Ategua" (2005) and social journalism of Valencia, "Living" (2006). His recent books are a compilation of newspaper articles, "Spain and other impertinence" (2009) and one short story, "Nothing is what it seems" (2 008). He is the author, also, among other works, the novel "The Executive" (2006), which are already published three editions of "Going against the tide" (2007), "Valencia, between heaven and hell" (2008) and an anthology of sketches under the title "Personality of a lifetime" (2007). External Links: Review on "Global network of writers in Spanish"

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