Energy Planning Policies

Plus Energy House

Special seminar in cooperation with the Institute for architecture and design the continuing education center of the Technical University of Vienna in this form already for the second time with the Institute for architecture and design the special seminar “ecoTECTURE – from the passive to the plus energy House” offers. The passive house concept has developed in the last years of the innovative idea with experimental character to the approved construction of the future. It constantly and rapidly increase not only the number of passive houses built in Austria, but is also the establishment of the passive house construction relating to the renovation in progress. “Almost all countries now have the standard passive house” included in their programmes. Required for a practical basic knowledge about passive houses and Plusenergiehauser is covered by this multi-day seminar and compact to the participants. All areas of planning and building should be treated, which require specific knowledge of the subject of passive house..

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