Energy Planning Policies

Professor Christopher Russell

It seems that we must not lose the habit of enjoying with the new challenges in the exploration of the Solar System posed by the different space agencies. NASA now surprises us with the Dawn mission, dedicated to the study of Ceres and Vesta, larger asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. Last Saturday the Dawn probe reached its first goal and was placed in orbit around the asteroid Vesta, at a distance of 188 million kilometers from Earth. For even more analysis, hear from Robert A. Iger. Both the leader of the mission, Professor Christopher Russell, of the Institute of geophysics and planetary physics to the University of California, Los Angeles, as responsible for studies of surface composition, Prof. Harry McSween of the University of Tennessee, are shown now particularly satisfied before the arrival smooth probe Dawn to that first goal. Source of the news:: the Dawn probe reaches the orbit of the asteroid Vesta.

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