PranVita is a non-contact healing to be healthy and to stay healthy. PranVita is a non-contact healing to be healthy and to stay healthy. Free PDF magazine “GreenBalance” PranVita teacher discusses Mag.a Michaela Spranger this healing art, the / the PranVita -therapist picks up with a loving attitude of life energy, transfers it to yourself and to others and passes in order to support the body’s healing powers. The human being is at the Centre of PranVita method in its entirety. The focus is on the heart Center.
PranVita is a non-contact energy system with the energy level of the body is observed. In contrast to methods that provide a physical approach, the energy body at the Center is the PranVita methods. Prana is the food”for the cells, so far responsible for the harmonious interaction of the various systems in the body. We all know its basically about the State Energy body decision, since this Yes immediately determines his mental and physical well-being. And well-being will be lost if caused blockages in the flow of Prana. Emerged a blocking, so it dissolves normally again, if the total energy flows freely enough. The blocking is stronger, it sets in the chakras and channels, and it can be mental or physical discomfort to the disease.
We are sick, we feel, caused pain, appear this us usually energized as the primary sound”experience in our perception. Additionally, a troubled spirit can interfere with the free flow of the body’s energy systems. While we have learned to be either healthy or sick, which is equivalent to Yes our direct experience, PranVita assumes that the basic health of the body by the appearance of a blocking not disappeared, since for example the loud”pain of a tooth is before all quiet” perceptions of the other, healthy teeth move. In other words, the energy system is still speak subtly intact, even though only these have become now physically energy malfunctioning as pain is prominently present. This must be restored health but removed the blocking. To achieve this quickly, the PranVita therapists apply efficient methods to find and release the blockages, for their removal, to strengthen and to the liberation of the energy system. PranVita can be used for the recovery of acute and chronic disease preventive as well as as support. Read more about the non-contact healing PranVita”in free PDF magazine GreenBalance under: contact person: Mag. Daniela Kornek Tel.: + 43-676 – 627 69 80 E-Mail: