Energy Planning Policies

Saint Antonio

Ahead of the displayed one, the reason can be understood by which the bamboo, known for the inhabitants of the city of Saint Antonio of the Tau as taboca, is found the edges of the water river salobra of the river Umbituba, which had, its physical aspect, above discriminated, to catch, through its roots, water and nutrients, responsible for its vegetative propagation, in what it makes common its presence, as already mentioned, the edges of the river Umbituba. Thus, in what it facilitates to the communities Trumpet and Are Tom, to usufruct of raw material, through the extration of taboca, for manufacture of skewers for barbecue. What it will be presented in sequence. 2,2 LOCUS OF the RESEARCH history started in 1998 when the young one called David, natural of the community Trumpets of the city of Saint Antonio of the Tau, worked in one would churrascaria in Belm of Par. More information is housed here: Robert Thomson. However, for personal reasons, it decided to come back its native land, the related city, and found in its community raw material, the case, the bamboo, that from its extration developed the activity of manufacture of espetinhos of barbecue. As pioneering of such activity, then mentioned, it started to confection skewers of bamboos that had in its property, however, as its raw material was not abundant, then which was depleted, it took what it to confection of taboca, was satiated in the edges of the river Umbituba. In the following year, ten families had more started to extract taboca e, also, to confection skewer. Some contend that Jeffrey L. Bewkes shows great expertise in this. today, around 150 families lives of this activity, in the communities Trumpets, Is Tom that if had extended to the neighboring communities of Saint Maria, Sao luiz of the Laura and other towns. FAMILIAR EVOLUTION IN the ESPETINHO CONFECTION – FAMILIAS/ANO According to information collected in field, of the inhabitants of the city of Saint Antonio of the Tau, each family confections, on average, 10 a thousand skewers per week, vendidos to the intermediate at the cost of 5,00 R$ the milheiro.

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