Energy Planning Policies

Summit Catalog

Full of ideas, functionally, met, across Munich the DAV Summit Club has the complete catalogue 2009 publicly unveiled: he presents itself new, comes for the first time in the landscape, offers unprecedented vividness and high functionality. He is clearly and consistently tailored to the needs of customers. The completely new also in terms of Design Summit”includes 368 pages, with 80 new destinations, and is indispensable for planning an active mountain and cultural experiences with numerous holiday ideas and concepts of hiking. That is the DAV Summit Club with environmental responsibility and sustainability-ernst tells it, that there are short trips only in the Alpine space and rail travel is recommended. For the DAV Summit club played an outstanding role in the over 50-year history of the company risk mitigation or safety on the mountain. This reputation and their customers have an obligation sets in Alpine winter (up on the sled dog programs) the mountaineering school of the German Alpine Club exclusively State-approved A mountain guides (UIAGM).

This also applies to all Alpine training programs, guide tours in summer, as well as for mountaineering in the context of trekking tours. As interest for the emergency, we equip our mountain guides and tour leaders at all relevant courses and travel with satellite phones. Mountaineering school of the German Alpine Club has paid greatest attention in the new catalog especially clearly represent the rich training program. Beginners and advanced will find modular divided by the Alpine base price to high tours training in the area of the peaks and expedition preparation and supplemented with trial dates everything help them on the way to the independent mountaineers. Current tags on guide tours in the Alps area are: Home trekking, family programs, offers for women and classic long hikes. Module programs lie at European and long-haul destinations in the trend: on the Canary Islands and Iceland, Peru or Venezuela have customers now the opportunity, your dream holiday off parallel running Offers to put together individually. (By the way, for hikers and mountain bikers) there combinable modules that you can assemble multiple vacations or years, even if the ambitious “Transpirenaica” in three wonderful weeks from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic – or on the way of St.

James through France and Spain to Santiago de Compostella. The DAV Summit Club 2009 on the classic long-distance hiking trail GR 20 crosses Corsica. But also tried and tested can be found in the new catalogue: the popular twin-hiking (Mallorca/Madeira) or pleasure plus. not only the catalog, analog has become also the Summit presentation on the Internet available in printed after basic relaunch of modern, functional and user-friendly. Short paths lead quickly to more information, more images, more color and more interactive opportunities. So the Internet extensively supplemented the catalog information. Date interested parties learn who will be their guide, which airline is used, where there are places available, or which day program is scheduled online. The Summit homepage has become lively, user friendly and overall more communicative. Thus, the company takes into account that over 70 per cent of all customers booking, especially in the areas of mountain biking and expeditions the fact. It was duty, confiscating catalog and Web site, and to make both media an attractive, corresponding unit. But it is quite important: who is not online and uses no computer receives all detail information about each trip happy and always free by mail. Just call us!

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