It can that be supplemented also with (John 17-3) the importance that has the proclamation of Christ, is not something lateral or accessory. This is eternal life, that they may know thee, the only true King Just as there is a mission of the son for the father, so to us the son send us so we announce the eternal life, and this were obsessed all the Apostles of the Church, when they saw that a village was worshiping other gods. They felt a deep sadness, because comparing wealth that carry their hearts and orphanhood, shadow, or spiritual scarcity of a people that is not in the straight life of the knowledge of the truth. Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm of all the Psalterium, 176 verses. Once a student said to me: father, but is a very repetitive Psalm depends on how you read it. It is true that repeats your law is for me, my joy and my joy. Your law is true for my more than silver. Your law is sweeter than honey the law of God, the will of God, to the person, has to be something that fill us, to carry us out.
This is a principle of religious pedagogy. It is not like the imposition of a professor who says if you do not h acne that do not comply with this, they go to hell. This is a species of religious terrorism. We drink to feel a spiritual joy, a joy. Do not look at the foundation of God, as one thing that’ll cut, which will decrease.
So do no attractive way to Christianity. If it is not a new life, a lot better, much more noble. The Aztec civilization, the Peruvian is admirable. When have I been in near Cazma Sechin. These ferocious feline gods, one says: here if religion is somewhat fulfilled by fear. A little fear, reverential fear, and hence come the sacrifices to appease the gods. We have to see that Christ is love. That man makes himself, and he wants to help us pass on this rather than truth. This life. San Pablo is the missionary par excellence. There are of me, without o evangelizo there is of me, or I’m betraying my life and my mission, if I not announcing the Lord Jesus. And he lives distressed by this hurry to bring the word of God, to distant corners. The same thing happened with San Francisco Javier. When I was in the India, you want to go beyond of the India. It goes to the Japan, wants to go to China, and that death supervenes him. And it is that the Gospel has an extraordinary strength. It is an intrinsic dynamism. But tremendously demanding, urgent. It is the seed that grows without that we know (as Jesus says in the Gospel) to grow a seed, does not lack that the gardener is a perfect agronomist gardener does not know what is the process of a plant. But the seed grows at the margins. Grows by its intrinsic virtue. Have faith in this. You have faith that if we sow, maybe not we will see it. As Saint Paul says. One is that seeding, and another is that collects and nobody must feel frustrated. It would be a bad sign of a person who wants to see the results every time. A very interested person, rather than planting, another already collected. We pass into the background.