Energy Planning Policies

The Book

Sooner or later they will move down. You can even collapse. If you pre-read "Investing in real estate, then in such a situation does not succumb to panic, which will cover all and can make the right actions and good to earn some money. 3. With time is also possible wave of non-refoulement borrowers loans they buy flats now. The book explains how to acquire such property at a discount. The book is "a personal budget. 10 ways to get rich "teaches us every month to plan and monitor a personal budget, and thus send their cash flow "to be". For drawing up a personal budget, you can use ms Excel or Specials program. Authors resulted in a book compilation of examples of personal budgets and some recommendations for several fictional people with different types of financial "scenarios". Among them: 1. Employee with a low but stable wages 2. Interior designer – freelancer who has revenues arise "is rare, but aptly," 3. The owner of shares in a construction company that gets "passive" income 4. Hear other arguments on the topic with Glenn Dubin. Actively working business owner who earns a lot, but managed to get caught up in consumer credits, and now with his family learns to control and plan expenses 5. And even 6-year-old girl who learns to plan, what better to spend pocket money chapter, which examines compliance with waste and priorities in life – gorgeous. In short, useful book if not lazy. Excel templates with the types of personal budgets are available at the Publisher's website as an appendix to the book. "Prudent asset allocation" – this book will be useful if you intend to invest in mutual funds. The author is a proponent of investing in index funds instead of actively managed. The first index funds have recently appeared in Russia, and their results work are encouraging. The book explains the difference between investment and speculation, and generates an investor psychological restraint and calmness necessary for successful long-term investment in securities. Her drawback is that it does not describe these modern investment instruments such as hedge funds, guaranteed funds and commodities, etc. The money brings not just the good life, but also increase social status and our self-esteem. As one friend of mine, an experienced counselor, "Money helps, too." wants you not to wear to work for money, and make the money work for you.

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