After these statements, the Secretary of the Convention on climate change, Yvo de Boer, United Nations He said that in a few years Aznar could see Spanish Sahara since your window if no action is taken to mitigate the effects of global warming. And English Economist Nicolas Stern, author of the most comprehensive report on the effects of climate change, assured the public Spanish newspaper that Aznar knows nothing about science. Coen brothers addresses the importance of the matter here. According to Greenpeace, the Heartland Institute received from ExxonMobil 540,000 euros in 10 years. As well as by Philip Morris, which produced 850 billion cigarettes in 2007. The host Institute for the Summit has requested a reduction in taxes on cigarettes and greater freedom for smokers. Statements by the spokesman for Heartland, Zonia pine, share other ideals, with the Spanish political, as declares Manuel Asende.
We promote private education, because the public schools are not efficient, and private health care, because we want people to stay with their money and go to private hospitals, rather than having a health system nationalized. The President of Heartland, the American Joseph Bast, is author of the book Why spend too much on health, in a country where 45 million people have no health insurance. But the reality is obstinate, as Maria G de source says. The synthesis report of the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change of the United Nations, whose scientists won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, hundreds of scientific reports shows the increase in the temperature of the air and ocean, the widespread melting of the ice and the increase of the sea level. Also the warming is caused by human beings and the development model of the last century, heavily dependent on fossil fuels. There will be less availability of water, droughts increase and more people exposed to increased water stress. In the oceans, the impacts of global warming are perceived in displacement and variation in algal, plankton and fish at high latitudes; and overtaking in the migration of fish.
Crop experience alterations by warming. Planting of seeds have to be done before and there is damage in forest areas by fire and pests in the northern hemisphere. Fishery resources also suffering the impact of climate change by alterations of the migratory routes, affecting its availability of food and therefore its reproduction. But Aznar said: any discrepancy is rejected by enthusiasts of the scientific consensus and the inquisitors that protect them and this is a problem that maybe yes or maybe not our tataranietos have. Before such an approach too many opinions. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Professor Emeritus of the UCM.