Energy Planning Policies

Vertical Works

To add a description for the article of Continuamos with the definitions of concepts of vertical works. Dynamic cord: A cord specifically to absorb the energy of a fall when stretching and thus to diminish the dynamic load. Static cord: A cord that has a 6% elongation or less to 10% of the minimum resistance of rupture. Cord kernmantle: A cord that is compound of an internal center of support of load surrounded within a woven cover. Cord of little elasticity: A cord that has an elongation from 6% to 10% of the minimum resistance of rupture. Main cord: The main cord that is used to descend, to ascend On guard or to place of security.

Secondary cord, of security, belay or reinforcement: Cord that is used to protect to the user in case of fall if the same slips or the positioning mechanism, has supported or to main drogue fault. Halting of falls: The equipment, the system or the structure that hold to an employee who is falling. Employer: A joint-stock company, society collective, unipersonal company, governmental agency or another organization who authorizes her employees to carry out vertical works in cord. In the cord: The condition for being suspended of or connected to a cord. Approved equipment: The equipment that is considered appropriate to use with the vertical techniques in cord. The approved equipment must fulfill the specifications set out here, either other specifications indicated in the access permission, of being these the more strict. Factor of fall: The maximum distance that can fall the person, divided by the length of the cord that it connects to the person to the anclaje.

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