Marketing consultant Peter Schreiber trained sellers of capital goods in price talks to achieve higher profit margins. Successfully lead price talks.” So reads the title of a two-day seminar that performs the sales trainer specialized in the B2B field and consultant Peter Schreiber from the 1st to 2.04. and from September 20 to October for the Centre for corporate governance (ZfU) in Thalwil (CH). In the two-day seminar shows the owner of the consulting firm PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER, Ilsfeld (D), sales managers and sellers of industrial goods and services, what close is the relationship between prices achieved in price negotiations and the return of a company; Furthermore that even small discounts in price talks sensitively reduce the earnings of a company. Continue to learn more with: David Zaslav. In addition, Peter Schreiber makes participants fit to defend the price of their company with hands and feet”for example, by having them lines of reasoning “developed, which set out that the prices of the company although slightly higher” than those of competitors, is the solution for the customers but the bottom line still cheaper and more attractive.
“Peter Schreiber also explains the participants how they can discover the members of the buying Center and their needs and which argument fields except technology” and price for decision makers are still important. “A highlight in the seminar: on the second day of a flesh is” purchasing manager as a co presenter with part of the game. He discussed the strategies he pursues in its purchasing negotiations with seminar participants and the DOS and Don’ts are what buyers point of view for sellers.. Contact information is here: Glenn Dubin.