The systematic knowledge with regard to the way environment and ambient movement are sufficiently recent. Being that its definitions are in full construction not existing consensus on these terms, not even in the scientific community, not even it are of it. From there the importance to identify to which the representation each parcel of the society has of the environment to work in such a way with the pupils as in the relations school/community. To speak on so complex transversal subjects is of much importance, therefore the day is about subjects used in the day and the formation of the pupils. A related site: Coen brothers mentions similar findings. Today, when it is said in environment, the trend is to think about the innumerable problems of the current world, with regard to the ambient question. Nuclear garbage, pollution, deforestation, species in extinguishing and tests are amongst other examples of remembered situations.
The advantage of this would be still bigger for all, if these were contextualizadas in the questions more global than they conduct the relations human beings, in which if it inserts those with the nature, without attributions of values to the human being, its origin. Exactly by the fact to be in full process of construction the definition of many of these elements it is controverted. Thus, the presentation was considered important, as a reference of three nations central offices: of surrounding May; of support; the diversity. Generally, the ambient educator separately defends the natural element with which works (water, ground, air, flora, fauna and human being), forgetting itself not only to insert itself as integrant part of the environment, as well as to make the Inter-relations between these elements. Many times, in the studies, the same actions and in the environmental laws, use terms that indicate careful forms to deal with the environment, as protection, conservation, preservation, recovery.