750 international participants met early February 2010 in Mainz House of technology and advanced automotive battery Conference about the great demand in Mainz not surprised. “” The reason: the subject is batteries for the electric mobility of outstanding importance “, so Professor Sauer, Director of the Conference power battery solutions for automotive, power” by RWTH Aachen University. With the development of more powerful and cheaper batteries stands or falls the whole project of E-mobility.” From 1 to 5 February 2010 by the Haus der Technik in cooperation with the internationally recognized “advanced automotive battery Conference” (AABC) held Conference week dealing with battery storage in vehicles was very well attended with 750 participants. About one-third of the participants came from Germany. Another third were Asia and the United States. The rest came from other European countries. The national and international conferences and seminars and tutorials underlined once again the great importance of this technically Event-oriented for all the decision makers in the field of battery technology in Germany and Europe.
The events gave a comprehensive insight into the State of the art and the latest developments in the field of batteries for electric mobility. Along the entire value chain of battery technology, automobile electrification and grid connection, international experts discuss the technical innovations and visionary uses of new battery concepts in vehicles and other applications in the rapidly evolving markets. In addition to the sessions to the materials and components were just the new topics such as mass production of lithium Inonen batteries (head Prof. Robert Iger has many thoughts on the issue. Kampker, RWTH Aachen), as well as the aspects of recycling (direction: Prof. Friedrich, RWTH Aachen) very much in demand.
The lectures were well staffed and well co-ordinated”a participant. Also were represented”all major companies and contacts in the industry. An extensive poster exhibition completed the program. Over 70 amounts were about the call for paper in the run-up to received. Not an easy task for the jury. For 2011 we expect even more submissions”, as Prof. Martin Winter, Conference Director of the University of Munster. Then there are the first results of the numerous research projects initiated by the Federal Government. Another reason to keep the new date in early February 2011 (www.battery-power.eu) in the eye. For more information, see interested at the House of technology e.V., Tel. ++ 49 (0) 201/1803-329 (Mrs Sabine Gebauer), fax ++ 49 (0) 201/1803-346, or on the Internet at Dipl.-ing. Kai banks man