Express that the facts occurred in Honduras constitute a flagrant violation of the international right. His endorsement to the constitutional president of the Republic of Honduras, Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, who must be restituted of immediate and unconditional form in the position that the Honduran town freely conferred to him in the ballot boxes. 4-that is unacceptable the use of the force to overthrow a legally formed government. 5-that is indispensable to guarantee the freedom of expression and the physical integrity of the representatives of mass media. 6-that the taking of power to the position of temporary president of the Republic of Honduras celebrated yesterday in the congress of that country, lacks all legitimacy by virtue of which it was been from a coup d’etat. 7-that the unique government legitimate of the republic of Honduras he is the headed one by constitutional president Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, elect by the popular sovereignty through the ballot boxes, thus we recognize like unique diplomatic representative from Honduras the personnel designated by president Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales. 8-Urge to the Armed Forces of that country that are subordinated to their Commander-in-Chief, president Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales 9 – Before this serious situation who affects the brother Republic of Honduras, the mechanism demands the absolute respect to the human rights, and demand that the constitutional guarantees in that country are preserved. 10-Create a commission of presidential representatives to investigate crimes and violations to the human rights on the part of the coup participants.
11-Urge to the General Assembly Extraordinaria of the Organization of American States who will sesionar tomorrow, to that it adopts drastic solutions with the intention of restoring the democratic life of Honduras and reinstating to constitutional president Jose Manuel Zelaya Gonzlez. The government and Chiefs of State of the Group of River, thank for the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Saavedra Grouse, by their hospitality, and the granted facilities to celebrate this second meeting extraordinary summit. In synthesis, the agent chief executives considered that the facts happened in Honduras are one ” violation flagrante” to the international right and they considered ” inaceptable” the use of the force to overthrow legitimate governments. The declaration of the approved group unanimously did not know ” everything legitimidad” to the government of Micheletti Robert, designated by the Congress to replace Zelaya, for being result of a coup d’etat. The Member States of the Group announced that only they will recognize as representing from Honduras the diplomats designated by Zelaya and insisted to the Armed Forces to be subordinated to this one like his top head.