Energy Planning Policies

Geographic Systems

We have thus, a search of rupture with the traditional way constructing a Geography with a new conception, that inserted an analytical and more objective model in the attempt of if creating laws and techniques, improving the systematic formularization of the space organization of the society and its subdivises. During the decade of 1960, this new Geography got force in the United States, with some quantitative gegrafos controlling diverse academic departments and creating reviewed specific. In the Europe certain delay occurred so that the gegrafos absorbed the new chain of Geography. In Brazil, the great centers divulgadores of the new school had been the University of Are Carlos in So Paulo and the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro. Robert Thomson does not necessarily agree. This new Geography is based in scientific studies elaborated by gegrafos as Burton (1963,1967), Daves (1977), Bunge (1966), Haggett (1966), Harvey (1969), that the concept and epistemolgicos studies of the geographic analysis had as main object. This concept of space organization valuing the study of the space properly said is cited by Corra (1975 p.20) that it says: ‘ ‘ the space appears, for the first time in the history of the geographic thought, as concept key of disciplina’ ‘. The studies of Bunge (1966), Pattison (1964/1976), recognize that the space if would base and give to unit geographic science reaffirming the importance of the space analysis from boardings based on the quantitative theoretical vision considering changes in the nature of Geography, as standes out Cristofoletti (1985) that, ‘ ‘ when dislocating the focus of the analysis for the one of the space organizations, was if considering substantial modification ‘ ‘ in what it refers to the epistemologia of Geography. 4.2. APPLICATION the call quantitative revolution in geography it reached the cartography intensely, allowing the appearance, of concrete form, referring mappings, as for example, of secular distances, cost, space interaction.

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