Energy Planning Policies

Quality Of Life

With intention to take to the school and the community the necessary knowledge for the construction of the citizenship the envolvement of different agencies will be necessary that assure the rights and duties of each individual in the society, enters these agencies we can cite the policy, the body of firemen, agencies of health, etc. will be worked subjects related to the improvement of the quality of life of the population, for example: Garbage (reduction, reutilizao and recycling); Hospital garbage (destination); Water (consumption, wastefulness, pollution); Forests (why to preserve them); Fire (negative prevention, effect to the environment); Agrotxicos (ambient risks for the health, damages); Illegal hunting; Respect to the wild and domestic animals; Drugs? DST? Sexually transmissible illnesses; Security in the transit; Respect to the next one; Slight knowledge of health (hygiene, prevention of illnesses); Citizenship (right of the citizen); Conscientious vote; To promote the dimension ambient 5R? To reduce, To reuse, To recycle, Reeducar and Replanejar. To if implementing these projects of education for the environment, School will be to facilitate to the pupils and to the population a basic understanding of the existing problems, of the presence human being in the environment, of its responsibility and its critical paper as citizens of a country and a planet. If you would like to know more then you should visit Brian Roberts. It will develop thus, the abilities and values that will lead to rethink and to evaluate in another way its daily attitudes and its consequences in the environment where they live. As the pupil will go to learn by the way of the environment, the contents lecionados programmarians, will become one of the forms of conscience taking, having become, more pleasant and of bigger interest for the pupil. Having the capacity to become our conscientious and sensetized pupils this new vision on the environment, proper them ambient educators in its houses in its half one of conviviality will become.

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