Energy Planning Policies

Team Building

From time to time in the collective firms are born conflicts and quarrels, employees are divided into groups. But it does happen and the conditions under which all employees are opposed to one person. This person becomes the object of vicious barbs bullying, izdevok, ridicule. This phenomenon has become in today's world the term mobbing. Among managers and hr managers in such companies is particularly popular teambuilding, namely, scenarios and exercises for teambuilding.

Formation of the team through training on team building permits issues of corporate spirit and also solves a serious problem that often arises in the companies. Mobbing – a phenomenon in the team, when one only an employee becomes an object of ridicule and caustic remarks, being pressed by their colleagues, the manager. Reasons for mobbing varied. This fear of losing their job, fear, envy, human, Various religious and political prejudices. In particular, the subject of mobbing (mobbing) may be an employee of a nationality, a person from another, larger, or conversely, a small town. This could be a woman team of men, or vice versa, one man among the group of girls. examples can lead a lot, but the consequences can be very sad, depending on the sensitivity of the employee who has been mobbing! From bad mood, unwilling to go into the office, depression, low self-esteem, loss of employment, and psychological disorders. What do the management in this case? Clearly, if the firm is valued employees, and psychological climate in the office is important, then ignore the formed situation is impossible, impossible to ignore.

First, you need to find a victim of mobbing, it is often the employee is distinctly different from all team, aggressive, withdrawn, because he believes that against him gather thyself in all employees. In many situations, quite a few conversations, but this may not lead to desired outcomes. In such a situation may help Team Building – this is a good way out of adversity. This is a great way to make friends of employees. But undoubtedly, the best medicine is prevention. If your company celebrate birthday of the company, or come significant event as a company anniversary or just consider any corporate event to be held in the format teambuilding scenario, where you can spend the same speech team, if they want it. Teambuilding will help to resolve your questions with mobbing.

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