Energy Planning Policies

Viable System

Stafford Beer died in 2002, leaving his ideas as his greatest legacy.Stafford Beer found the Fractal model associated with the system of management of beings, biological, years before Mandelbrot defined the fractalidad. He initiated the research of this model in pursuit of organizational viability. Concerned determine how the systems were feasible, i.e., capable of an independent existence. According to Jeffrey L. Bewkes, who has experience with these questions. Survival in a characteristic of any organization that allows you to survive as a system, which requires learning, adaptability and development capacity. A system that has all these components is called a Viable system. The model allows analyzing the organization in a flexible manner giving rise to all sorts of structures.

Importantly points out Morales, he is able to disaggregate the organizational complexity from the corporate point of view and see how different recursive levels are structured. Is It uses the recursive term to mean that the system is breaks down a level to another within itself. . It is very important to consider. The organization is considered as a system of structural levels where each level must be able to recognize the change so that it can define who, how and when their action. Each level is autonomous and must produce organizational responses which make it possible if management. These levels are related to the structuring of the organization. Indicated, that in this model, the organization is analyzed as a whole.

For this purpose, different organizational units are integrated into an action of continuous feedback, both internal and external, under present and future forces to ensure organizational survival. The organization is analyzed interactively as a cybernetic system that processes information through closed feedback loops. Thus explains Morales, each level manages a particular type of information and controls of one form or another the activity of their lower levels, which at the same time are controlled by their macro-level higher-this model has the following advantages: does not require the existence of prior of the organization in study. It is a tool of complexity breaks be understood within the Organization hierarchical scheme involves the realization of organizational identity performs a Synapse between the internal components and external (adaptation) tells us Walter Zegarra, that the purpose of this viable system model is to allow organizations to gain the flexibility they need to survive in the rapidly changing and complex environments. Beer has developed criteria of organizational effectiveness, these criteria are a set of principles and laws of organization, using as reference the law’s requirement of variety, that generally provides that a driver has a requirement for variety, if and only if, it has the ability to stay within a set of desired objectives. The design method consists of the following stages: Establish organizational identity: determines the identity of class, which gives origin to the Organization and which distinguishes it from others. Modeling of organizational boundaries of the system: all those activities necessary to carry out the independent the Organization’s transformation to develop must be defined. Modeling of structural levels: recognize those technological activities of which the Organization has capacity to take. Study of discretion and autonomy: a box where related activities must be primary activities of regulation. Study and design of control mechanisms: seeking mechanisms that reduce or widen the variety between recursive levels of the organization.

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